Kyoto Group Capital Markets Day presentation material

By Camilla Nilsson, 25. Nov 2021

Oslo, 25 November 2021 - Kyoto Group AS today hosts a Capital Markets Day, presenting the company's technology, strategy, commercial initiatives and medium-term targets.



CTO in Kyoto Group Bjarke Buchbjerg on stage at Capital Markets Day. 

"Kyoto's primary market is industrial-scale heat storage, a huge but often overlooked part of the energy market. Heat represents about half of global energy consumption, today largely provided by fossil fuels. This demand needs to transition to renewable sources, but as the extreme volatility in the European energy markets over the past months illustrates: Large-scale energy storage is absolutely necessary if we are to realize our vision of making green energy available for everyone,” says Christopher Kjølner, CEO of Kyoto Group.

"Kyoto Group is now moving from the start-up phase to the scale-up phase. Having just signed our first commercial contract for the Heatcube thermal battery solution, we're excited to be able to share our plans with investors and other stakeholders today,” Mr. Kjølner adds.



CEO in Kyoto Group Christopher Kjølner. 

At the event, Aurora Energy Research, Europe's largest dedicated power market analytics company, will also present an updated analysis of the market potential for electrified thermal energy. The report outlines a market opportunity of more than 13,500 TWh globally. The cumulative investment required to electrify these heat markets using Kyoto’s Heatcube storage application would be more than €1.2 trillion.

The physical event is for pre-registered participants and will last from 13:00 to 16:00 CET. It will also be streamed live on the Kyoto Group website.


The whole video stream from the event are recorded and made available for everyone to see:
Live stream of the full presentations - See this link

The presentation material for the event is enclosed in PDF format:
Kyoto Q4 2021 Company Presentation - See this link

Aurora Report - See this link



CFO in Kyoto Group Camilla Nilsson. 


For additional information, please contact:

CEO, Christopher Kjølner, +47 90 53 19 62 or christopher@kyotogroup.no

CFO, Camilla Nilsson, +47 48 29 56 85 or camilla@kyotogroup.no


About Kyoto Group

Kyoto Group aims to capture and manage the abundant energy from variable renewable sources such as solar and wind power and apply it to reduce the CO2 footprint for industrial thermal loads. The Company plans to lease & operate and sell Heatcube thermal batteries with capacity from 5MW, enabling industrial consumption of low-cost heat sourced from excess solar and wind energy.

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